Lectures, Presentations, & Roundtable Discussions

  • January 6-8: Society of Christian Ethics Annual Meeting, Chicago

    Panelist, Concurrent Session; “A Vision for Reproductive Ethics” Speakers: Margaret D. Kamitsuka, Hille Haker, Amy Laura Hall, Danielle Tumminio Hansen

    Panelist, Concurrent Session; “Law and Ethics – Abortion Law in Germany”

    January 21: Loyola-Marquette Colloquium, Chicago, Professional Development Panel (Panelist)

    March 23-25: Loyola University Chicago, Rome Center. Interfaith Panel and Conversation

    April 22: Public Conversation with Anna Nowek at the Anniversary Conference of Agenda–Forum Katholischer Theologinnen (zoom)

  • December 8-9: Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Narrativity Workshops 2022; Workshop II: Factual and Fictional Narratives of Violence - Conceptual and Ethical Issues in an Interdisciplinary Perspective; Keynote: "Der Tigersprung in die Vergangenheit" - The Blending of Fact and Fiction in (Trauma) Narratives"

    November 11: Loyola University Chicago, Feminist Ethicists Respond to Dobbs: A LUC Theology Department Series; “Conflicting Norms: Moral Dilemma and Moral Agency”

    October: American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, 24th Annual Conference, “Shame and Ethical Behavior: Constructive or Destructive?” Panel with Gwendolyn Wanderer, LaShaunda Reese, Alyson Capp, and Hille Haker

    September 13: Entangled Responsibility: Documentation of Clergy Sexual Abuse by Jesuits/Priests affiliated with Loyola University Chicago and McCormick Lecture by Doris Reisinger

    August 25-28: Societas Ethica, Annual Conference on Vulnerability and Integrity; Keynote: On the Critique of Vulnerability

    July 12: Lecture on Narrative Ethics; Neiswanger Institute of Bioethics

    June 10-12: Catholic Theological Society of America Annual Meeting: Panel on Hans Küng

    May 16-19: Critical Theory Conference, Loyola Rome Campus, Keynote Lecture: Is there an End to History? On Agnes Heller’s Philosophy of History

    May 13: Lecture and Colloquium on H. Haker’s book “Critical Political Ethics”, Luzern University, Institute of Social Ethics (Prof. Peter Kirchschlaeger)

    May 10: Theologinnen digital im Gespräch: Auf ein Glas mit Diana Freyer und Prof. Dr. Hille Haker zum Buch und der Initiative #OutInChurch, Agenda Forum katholischer Theologinnen e.V.

    April 23: Taking Responsibility Conference, Fordham University: Panel on Clergy Sexual Abuse

    March 11: Workshop with Dietmar Mieth: The Renewal of Virtue Ethics? Frankfurt University, organized by Dr. Gwendolin Wanderer, Medical Ethics in Health Care Chaplaincy

    Jan 10/11: Conference University Frankfurt on H. Haker’s Book Critical Political Ethics (organized by Prof. Christof Mandry)

  • 1. November 15-17, 2021„Paul Ricoeur on Collective Identities“ in Trier, Germany (zoom).

    2. October 27, 2021 Lecture and Discussion at the CV Zirkel Bremen, (zoom)

    3. October 8, 2021: Swiss Association of Midwives Annual Meeting: Late Abortions – Ethical Challenges

    4. October, 1-2, 2021: The Persian Thanksgiving: Mehregān Festivals: Love, Compassion, and Friendship, Ottawa, Dr. Mahmoud Masaeli. Alternative Perspectives and Global Concerns (ap-gc.net)

    5. September 15-17, 2021: Zurich University, International Conference on Spiritual Care: Lecture Medizinethik in der Klinikseelsorge – Themen, Methoden, Kontexte

    6. August 19-22: Societas Ethica, Annual Meeting: Panel Facilitation/Moderation and co-organizer

    7. June 11, 2021: Lecture on Sexual Abuse and Moral Theology at the international conference Macht Missbrauch, University of Frankfurt

    8. May 26, 2021: Workshop on Narrative Ethics as Module of the Certification Course in Medical Ethics in Health Care Chaplaincy, University of Frankfurt

    9. May 25, 2021: Book discussion (H.Haker: Critical Political Ethics) with Prof. Michael Coors and graduate students of the Protestant Theology Faculty, Zurich University, Switzerland

    10. March 11, 2021: The United States between Trump and Biden. Lecture and Conversation with Johann Schelkshorn, University of Vienna. https://www.kav-wien.at/dokumentation/1112-zum-nachhoeren-hille-haker-ueber-christen-zwischen-trump-und-biden

    11. March 10, 2021: 150th Loyola Scholar Speaker Series: Kafka’s Ape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mintkQ0nHLY

    12. February 2, 2021: Loyola University Chicago – Theology Department: Covid Panel, Contribution

    13. January 31-Februrary 2nd, 2021: Lecture on Feminist Ethics in Christianity at the Tager Conference on Feminism in Abrahamic Religions, Bar Ilhan University, Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y06j49BzIUM&list=PLYDHKhvMXMgJNR-bSdPDTupKkgGVzFVy4&index=4

    14. January 18, 2021: (Martin Marty Center) Panel: Moral Formation and Interfaith Education

    15. Jan 8/9, 2021: Annual Conference of the Society of Christian Ethics

    a) Lecture Recognition and Responsibility

    b) Panel Discussion on Real Life Extension

    Richard McCormick Endowed Chair Events & Organized Conference 2021:

    1. September 23, 2021: “Angels Unawares” co-organization of a remembrance liturgy/event at Loyola University Chicago

    2. August 19-22, 2021: Societas Ethica, Co-Organizer of the Annual Meeting on the topic “Crisis and Hope”

    3. February 17, 2021, Loyola University Chicago: R. McCormick Endowed Chair & Neiswanger Institute: Panel on Artificial Intelligence (main organizer and contributor)

  • 1. November 29-31, 2020: “Stay Human. Artificial Intelligence and Ethics.” Lecture at the International Conference: „The North Atlantic Triangle: Social and Cultural Exchange between Europe, the USA and Canada“ Vienna.

    2. October 4-6, 2020: Keynote Lecture on Vulnerability at the Conference Vulnerabilität, University of Würzburg, Germany

    3. Online PhD Program in Medical Ethics at the Neiswanger Institute: Lecture on Narrative Ethics

    4. June 15, 2020: Swedish National Ethics Council Webinar, Panel Discussion: Global ethics and justice in a pandemic. http://www.smer.se/webbfilmer/webinar-global-ethics-and-justice-in-a-pandemic/

    5. June 19, 2020: Webinar Alternative Perspectives and Global Concerns Webinar, Panel Discussion: "Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic Stress - Laudato Si' Message for the Community of Mankind".

    Richard McCormick Endowed Chair Events:

    1. October 8, 2020: THE PROMISE OF PEACE IN THE SHADOW OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI: POLITICAL, MORAL AND THEOLOGICAL REFLECTIONS. Archbishop Takami and Daniel Ellsberg, Richard McCormick Endowed Chair Events (organizer)

  • 1. October 8, 2019: Panel Discussion on Gene Editing at the Science and Society CRISPRcon Conference, University of Madison, WI.

    2. August 27-30, 2019: International Conference of the European Society of Catholic Theology, Bratislava. : “Hope”: Keynote Lecture: „Information or Communication – The Loss of the Language of the Human”

    3. July 14-18, 2019: Bad Genes and Parental Responsibility. On J. Habermas’ Concept of Unverfügbarkeit and Unantastbarkeit. Lecture at the Workshop of the International Network of Bioethics, Dublin

    4. June, 27-30, 2019: Comment on A. Feenberg: Internet Ethics. Societas Ethica Annual Conference, Munich: Digital Humanities

    5. May 29, 2019: Northwestern University, Evanston: Course Presentation on Gene Editing

    6. May 20-22, 2019 Loyola University Chicago: Medical Ethics in Health Care Chaplaincy: Host of a Visit from German Hospital Chaplains, including Visits to Loyola Medical School, Northwestern University Hospital, a half-day Seminar on “Suffering,” and a day-long Seminar on Social Bioethics. Presentation and Chair of the Meeting (with Michael McCarthy and Gwendolin Wanderer)

    7. May, 8-11, 2019: “There is a secret appointment` between past generations and the present one.” – Walter Benjamin’s Concept of History Reconsidered. Critical Theory Conference, Keynote Lecture at the Critical Theory conference Rome (Loyola Rome Campus)

    8. March 14, 2019 Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Lecture & Panel Discussion, co-sponsored by the McCormick Chair and the CHRC

    9. January 13-16, 2019: Gene Editing – Ethical Aspects. Lecture: International Workshop at the Brocher Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland: Engineering Future Generations? The New Debate about Societal Governance, Public Engagement, and Human Gene Editing for Reproduction

    10. January 9-11, 2019: Medicial Ethics in Health Care Chaplaincy, Certification Course: Narrative Ethics (2-day session), University of Frankfurt, Germany.


    1. November 8-9, 2018: Swiss National Ethics Committee Conference Enhancement: Keynote Lecture “Enhancement as Ideology”

    2. October 18-20, 2018: American Society of Bioethics and the Humanities, Healthcare Chaplaincy, Ethics Education, and the Value of a Narrative Approach (with M. McCarthy, C. Mandry, G. Wanderer)

    3. August 26, 2018 Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2019: Feminist Ethics and the Question of Gender. Panel Discussion „The Future of Feminist Ethics”, Louvain-la-Neuve,

    4. June 27, 2018: Deutscher Ethikrat: Herausforderungen für die Menschenwürde durch Neue Technologien. Keynote Lecture: Geschichte und Begriff der Menschenwürde

    5. June 24-25, 2018: Inselspital Bern, Medical Ethics Lecture Series

    Lecture 1: Verletzlichkeit und Anteilnahme. Seelsorge zwischen kirchlich-konfessionellen und klinischem Angebot

    Lecture 2: Zwischen Schweigen und Sprechen. Narrative Ethik und die Ars Patientia

    6. June 22, 2018: WHO Conference: Spiritual Care im Fokus globaler Gesundheitspolitik, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Lecture: Leiden und Compassion. Zum Status der spiritual care in der Medizinethik

    7. June 15, 2018: Graduate Course in Bioethics, Neiswanger Institute, Loyola University Chicago. Lecture: The Silent Language of Suffering. A Hermeneutical Phenomenology of Illness Narratives

    8. May 17-19, 2018: 17th Annual Conference of the International Social Theory Consortium MODERNITY BETWEEN THE DAMAGED LIFE AND SANE SOCIETY: SOCIAL THEORY IN THE AGE OF URGENCY Chicago.

    Lecture: Vulnerable Agency.

    Panel Discussion: The Work of Axel Honneth

    9. April 23-24, 2018: World Parliament of Religion Conference, University of Chicago

    Keynote Lecture: Global Ethics in the 21st Century

    10. March 19, 2018: Conference „Das Außer-Ordentliche (in) der Gerechtigkeit: Pluralität, Differenz und das Gleichheitsprinzip“, University of Luzern, Switzerland.

    Lecture: „Jedem das Seine, Mir alles“,

    11. March 12/13, 2018: Religious Freedom Conference, Loyola University Chicago

    Lecture: Religious Freedom. Response to Leslie Griffin.,

    12. January 4-7, 2018: Society of Christian Ethics Annual Conference:

    Panel Discussion: Philosophical and Theological Ethics


    1. August 18, 2018 Wijngaards Institute and Trinity College Dublin: ‘Voices Pope Francis will not hear’. Panel Discussion on Humanae Vitae and Catholic Sexual Ethics, 50 Years after “Humanae Vitae” https://www.tcd.ie/news_events/articles/public-discussion-on-controversial-teachings-of-the-catholic-church/

    2. June 24-25, 2018: Inselspital Bern, Medical Ethics Lecture Series

    Workshop Narrative Ethics, Inselspital Bern: Seelsorge Heute




Research Areas